Buried Treasure MCT Coconut Oil Helps to Boost Metabolism, Energy Production and Ketone Body Production.
Improves Energy and Performance
MCT's (medium chain triglycerides) are unique in that they're transported directly from the gastrointestinal tract to the liver where they're likely to be burned off as fuel instead of deposited into fat cells. Research also confirms that MCT's can increase metabolic rate. These are both good things in relation to fat loss. Bottom line is more of the MCT's are used in the Krebs cycle for energy production and less is circulated through the body.
Healthy Weight Management
Because Buried Treasure MCT Coconut Oil is processed by the liver and stored as energy, it burns faster and enhances metabolism. MCT's have lower calorie content than other fats and is minimally stored as fat. Because MCT's burn faster and contribute to enhanced metabolism it is excellent for maintain a healthy weight. MCT Coconut Oil is also good for those on Atkins (low carb), Keto and other diets that call for high ketones.
Enhance Brain Function
Due to the presence of Caprylic acid, when consumed, it breaks down into ketone bodies. Ketone bodies provide alternative source of energy to damaged brain cells.
Eat and Drink Healthy
Buried Treasure MCT Coconut Oil is an excellent substitute for vegetable or other processed oils for salad dressings or low temperature cooking. You can add MCT Coconut Oil to coffee, beverages or smoothies. Buried Treasure MCT Coconut Oil is odorless and tasteless.