Lunar's Brightening Under Eye Serum is rich in probiotics, green tea, caffeine and pomegranate.It contains patented nature technology that has been developed to treat noticeable signs of aging.The sub -eye roller combats wrinkles, dark circles tear bags and swollen eyes by tightening and raising the sensitive eye area.Cell metabolism and moisture storage contribute to creating abundance and youthful charisma for women and men.International Products have separate term, are from abroad and may differ from local products, included fit, age ratings, and language of product, labeling or instructions.Rich in probiotics, green tea, caffeine, pomegranate and anti-aging ingredients.Lunar's brightening under-eye serum fights wrinkles, dark circles and swollen eyes.Lunar's Brightening Under Eye Serum ist reich an Probiotika, grünem Tee, Koffein und Granatapfel. Es enthält patentierte Naturtechnologie, die entwickelt wurde, um spürbare Zeichen des Alterns zu behandeln. Der Unteraugenroller bekämpft Falten, Augenringe Tränensäcke und geschwollene Augen, indem er die empfindliche Augenpartie strafft und anhebt. Zellstoffwechsel und Feuchtigkeitsspeicherung tragen dazu bei, Fülle und jugendliche Ausstrahlung für Frauen und Männer zu schaffen.International products have separate terms, are sold from abroad and may differ from local products, including fit, age ratings, and language of product, labeling or instructions. Reich an Probiotika, grünem Tee, Koffein, Granatapfel und Anti-Aging-Inhaltsstoffen. Lunar's Aufhellendes Unteraugen-Serum bekämpft Falten, Augenringe und geschwollene Augen.Brightening Under Eye Serum von Lunar Glow. Erfrischendes Augenserum für den unteren Augenbereich und Kontur 10ml