Symptoms of Ear Blockage We all know that there's just no good and safe enough way to keep our ears as clean as they should be—earwax buildup is a serious concern. Wax blockage is one of the most common causes of hearing loss. Can also lead to earache, ringing in the ear, itching, odor, and discharge. | What Causes Ear Blockage Wax blockage often caused by attempts to clean the ear with cotton swabs,fingers,etc. Sometimes, they may help, but also may cause some pain and be less than effective. Most cleaning attempts merely push the wax deeper into the ear canal,causing a blockage. | Fully Booked and Expensive Bills Healthy ears need to be clean and cleared from accumulated earwax. However, scheduling an appointment with a doctor to have your ears cleaned is not always easy—your busy schedule doesn't help, or sometimes your family budget will just refuse to stretch. | Best Choice for Ear Cleaning According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology(ear, nose, and throat specialists), ear irrigation or ear syringing is a much better solution. With BOCOOLIFE ear irrigation kit, you can simply use a device with lukewarm water that will c ean your ears, making them healthier, without having to waste time and money on appointments you don't really want to schedule. |