Look Younger now!
Dermaroller was occurred due to a lack of collagen in our skin; The more collagen our bodies produce, the less likely we are to suffer from Stretch marks, Acne and surgical scars, Wrinkles and anit-ageing, Ice pick- and chickenpox scars, Enlarged pores, Lack of skin firmness, and cellulite Age spots & sun damage, Hair loss, Hyper pigmentation. Microneedle technology is the great anti-aging treatment because of its low side effects and safety.
Using extremely fine medical-grade needles, the Derma Roller painlessly creates micro channels in your skin, which triggers the body's natural healing process to create new, healthier tissue to replace the imperfections of older skin. With micro needling you can now induce a lot of the body's natural collagen to grow without utilizing aggressive techniques. Of course, there are various treatment that also do this, but micro needling is more affordable, and virtually no downtime after treatment. Only minor fractions (at most 0.3%) of the active substances in your favorite creams, gels, or lotions can actually penetrate the surface of your skin. The majority of these substances (the other 99.7%) are wasted on your towel, pillow, shower, and so on. The active ingredients in these substances do not penetrate deeply enough to be very effective because your skin protects your body from the external environment. However, research has shown that when lotions are used with the Derma Roller System, the effectiveness of these substances is enhanced by up to 40 times! The speed at which you will see results depends on the condition you are treating, the needle length used, and how extensively your body needs to remodel the affected area. Anyway results can be dramatic and fast!
The Derma Roller (also known as a microneedle roller or a skin roller) is a revolutionary hand-held device carryable, which rolls on your face and body at home, beauty salon and etc.
User Groups:
0.25-0.30mm: Home used for boosting topical skin care product absorption;
0.50mm: To treat shallow wrinkle, scars, UV damage and hyperpigmentation with the added benet of boosting skin care product absorption;