Areta Marijuana THC Test Strips: THC Drug Urine at Home Testing Kits for Over The Counter Use Result in 5 Minutes - Accurate Drug Screen Test 50ng/mL Cutoff Level 15 Pack #ASTH-114

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Areta Marijuana THC Test Strips: THC Drug Urine at Home Testing Kits for Over The Counter Use Result in 5 Minutes - Accurate Drug Screen Test 50ng/mL Cutoff Level 15 Pack #ASTH-114

Regular Price: US$47.99

Special Price US$39.99

Availability: In stock

Supplier: Areta

home drug test kit for thc

The tests provide only preliminary test results. A more specific alternative chemical method must be used in order to obtain a confirmed analytical result. This test is for in vitro diagnostic use only. Intended for over-the-counter use.

workplace drug screen

Ideal for the circumstances like pre-employment screening test or random, work-related testing.

self monitor detox strips

Helps support your detox procedure or a self-check.

teenager screening

Helps ease parents concerns by monitoring their children's results.

teen health care

No more guessing. No personal information required.

optimal detection time

Urine tests can't show the exact day or hour that marijuana was last used. This is because THC can stay in your system even after you've stopped using marijuana. THC can linger on average up to 5 days for a casual user. However, It stays in your system for 2 to 4 weeks if you use marijuana often.

detection windows

The urine marijuana test will be positive if the amount of THC in the sample is more than 50 nanograms per milliliter (ng mL). If you use marijuana but your test is negative, it could be because your THC levels are below this level.

Dedicated Service Team. Our knowledgeable team members provide quality assistance. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have. We are happy to help you get the best results with your test kit. Instant Accurate Results: Two visible colored bands indicate a negative result, even if the test region is faint it is still considered a negative result. One colored band in the control indicates a preliminary positive result. If no colored band appears in the control region the test is considred invalid and a new test should be performed using a clean urine sample. Areta Marijuana Test Strips are very easy to use. Collect the urine sample with the collection cup provided. Dip one test strip in the urine for 10 secondes, then place test on a flat, nonabsorbant surface. Read the result at 5 minutes, not after. Please follow the instructions precisely before running the test. 510k Cleared CLIA Waived: Areta Marijuana Test Strips are a at home over the counter testing kit. No personal information needed, helps support pre-employment drug screen, detox program, or other random test. The test will give you a result for the presence of marijuana in human urine at or above a 50ng mL Cut-off level. Areta Marijuana Test Strips is designed for confirming if the THC or related chemicals from marijuana called metabolites are in your system. The test MUST be performed under the Human Urine sample ONLY! Test result is considered INVALID if the test is performed using any other liquid (water, drink, etc.).
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