1) JJVCC data on file 2016; 30-day dispensing evaluation, monthly replacement DW study, n=533 soft silicone hydrogel CL wearers in the U.S..
2) JJVCC data on file 2016, HydraMax Technology.
3) JJVCC data on file 2016, Hydration data.
4) Alle ACUVUE Kontaktlinsen besitzen einen UV-Schutz, der dazu beiträgt, Ihre Hornhaut und das Augeninnere vor schädlicher UV-Strahlung zu schützen. UV absorbierende Kontaktlinsen sind kein Ersatz für schützende, UV absorbierende Sonnenbrillen, da sie das Auge und seine Umgebung nicht vollständig abdecken. Sie sollten stets UV absorbierende Kontaktlinsen in Kombination mit UV absorbierenden Brillen tragen, wie von Ihrem Kontaktlinsenspezialisten empfohlen. UV-Schutz Klasse 1 muss mindestens 90 % der UVA und 99 % der UVB-Strahlung absorbieren. UV-Absorption auf Basis einer Linse mit -1,00 dpt.
5) Morgan PB et al. Ocular physiology and comfort in neophyte subjects fitted with daily disposable silicone hydrogel contact lenses. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2013; 36(3):118–125. Study conducted over 365 days.
6) JJVCC Data on file 2016; 30-day dispensing evaluation, monthly replacement DW study, n=533 SiH CL wearers in US.
7) JJVCC data on file 2005 and 2007.
8) JJVCC data on file 2009. Post-hoc analysis October 2009. Among adults aged 25-34 (n=71) P<0.05. With 1-DAY ACUVUE MOIST, 1 % of patients experience frequent eye irritation, 14 % of wearers occasionally experience eye irritation while 83 % seldom or never experienced eye irritation.
9) JJVCC data on file 2014. Data generated in collaboration with the Centre for Contact Lens Research (CCLR) in Waterloo, Canada. Based on in vitro data; clinical studies have not been done directly linking differences in lysozyme profile with specific clinical benefits.
10) JJVCC data on file 2011.
11) JJVCC data on file 2013.
12) JJVCC data on file 2014.
13) JJVCC data on file 2014. October 2014 review of website. Of 40 clinical studies funded by 4 main CL manufacturers.
ACUVUE, ACUVUE VITA und HydraMax sind eingetragene Marken von Johnson & Johnson Medical GmbH. Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Companies sind Teil der Johnson & Johnson Medical GmbH. Johnson & Johnson Medical GmbH 2017