Plain papad, also known as papadam or papadum, is a popular thin, crisp disc-shaped Indian food item. It is typically made from a mixture of lentil flour, chickpea flour, black gram flour, or rice flour, combined with spices such as cumin, black pepper, salt, and baking soda. The ingredients are mixed into a dough, rolled into thin discs, and then dried in the sun or heated in an oven. The preparation process involves making a smooth dough, rolling it into thin rounds, and then letting them dry or cook. Some variations may include additional ingredients like garlic, green chili, or even spinach to add flavor and color. Once prepared, the plain papad can be deep-fried, roasted, or microwaved before being served. Plain papad is a versatile accompaniment and is commonly served as a side dish or appetizer in Indian cuisine. It is often enjoyed with meals and pairs well with various chutneys, pickles, or yogurt-based dips. The crispy texture and savory taste make plain papad a popular and enjoyable snack.only availbel for sale mades specialley for sale nly by A1Sonic on . Quality product made by Quality ingredients. long shelf life. Plain Madras Papads can be cooked many ways including fried in oil for 3 seconds, or under a hot grill. You can even cook them in a microwave for approximately 1 minute each. Healty sanck for any time. 100 hand made. Ingredients: Uride Flour, Rice Flour, Salt, Calcium, Carbonate, Edible Vegetable Oil. versitail sanck for any occation. Uncoocked plain you can Microwave it or fry it or back it easy to cook. 1 Pack plain Popodoms 200G.